Adrienne Vermorel

Adrienne Vermorel

Hi, I’m Adrienne 👋

Currently, I'm an Analytics Engineer working at UnNest, a fully remote data marketing agency. My job is to transform raw data to make it more available, organized and easier to analyze.

Previously, I worked at lePermisLibre as a Tracking Specialist and Analytics Engineer. I set up the website tracking and worked on attribution modeling in order to help drive the marketing acquisition efforts.

Before that, I worked at Woptimo as a Tracking Specialist for the agency's clients. I also worked on internal tooling projects for the agency.

But really, my journey in analytics began at Business & Decision, working with notable clients like L'Oréal, EDF and Sanofi-Pasteur, where I was deeply involved in digital analytics and project management, leading a team and managing large-scale data projects.

Before working in analytics, I was a Search Engine Advertising consultant at RESONEO where I learned the ropes of digital marketing and first started to learn how to code to automate reporting and to better monitor my campaigns' performance.

Overall, my journey is driven by a dual interest: the storytelling power of data and the ever-evolving world of web technologies, and I try to mix the two as much as I can in my daily work.